OPS vanity blotter art
OPS vanity blotter art
We’re hyped to release our limited-edition OPS vanity blotter art. Completely legal and LSD-free, these sheets were exclusively designed by our honorary member Pinky Vision. Our familiar Shroom Dude and DMT Wizard are accompanied by new characters, such as Oxford’s Cheshire Cat and Hippie Dodo, with Radcliffe Camera in the background.
Rest assured, none of our blotter sheets are infused with LSD: these sheets are sold as collectors' items only.
Ethically printed with edible soy-based ink.
The majority of street LSD in circulation today is found transferred onto perforated blotter paper, often illustrated and branded with a wide range of iconographic symbols, such as Gorby, Albert Hofmann and Purple Om (as depicted as a butterfly on our blotter art!). Undipped illustrated blotter sheet is now recognised as ‘high' art and has become highly collectable. With its almost 50 years of history, blotter art can be considered a true and unique form of American folk art, still flourishing underground and on the street. Once ephemeral but now permanent, blotter art embodies psychospiritual materiality.
A strictly limited edition of few less than 150 unnumbered normal sheets & 60 numbered signed sheets printed with margins with white tabs. This is a one-off issue and will not be printed again.
Warning! Dipping blotter sheets into LSD or using them to distribute LSD is illegal. We strictly condemn any illegal behaviour. These sheets are to be distributed and appreciated as artworks and cultural artefacts only.